This is a blog featuring the life of Victor Wynn Johnson. You may know him as Andrew Thornbro. Or you may know him of some other name we've yet to discover. At any rate, this blog will catalog several events that occurred during the last six months in Wichita, Kansas. Our ultimate goal is for Victor Wynn Johnson to leave our adequate city and exist somewhere else. We invite Victor Wynn Johnson to participate in this blog. He is welcome to contribute his recollection of each story that appears on this blog. If you know Victor, email me your story and I will include it in our blog. So, sit back and enjoy the stories.
I new that guy. He is a complete asshole. He lied and told a bunch of people that i know that he had sex with me in a park! I have been looking for him ever since. Hey Victor, if you are reading this come and see me at the cove. I will really show you a good time. But you might not make it back to the south.
Well courtney I want to know a little bit more about his ass. His a fucking con-artist to the fullist. I want blood because he almost fucked over my future husband.
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