Sunday, April 15, 2007

The lies begin

This story was told tome by a friend who works in the advertising field. Advertising...sounds fun. It beats working for and around criminals all the time. Anyway, Kay Davis was the business leader of a small advertising group for a global company. She ran into Victor Johnson at the synagogue where her husband in Rabi. She went to work and told my friend Jason Gramke, Creative Director of the agency, that he should visit with Victor. He was new to town and was looking for some work.

As I understand it, Victor was close to an hour late. He claimed he got lost and drove clear out of town. Jason said he met with him anyway. I tease him about that because I would have never accepted the meeting. We bill by the minute in my line of work. An hour late is just unacceptable. Anyway, when it was time for Victor to show Jason his work, he claimed that his computer was stolen out of his car the night before. Wow, what kind of idiot leaves a computer in his car over night? Jason asked him to send him some links or a PDf of some of his work when he got access to a computer. So Victor left and emailed Jason some links later that day.

Victor went back to visit Jason to talk about the work he sent. Apparently Jason asked him a lot about a particular piece of work. It was for Avivi Pizzaria. He had claimed he designed the menu and web site. Well, everyone knows that Entrmotion designed that stuff. it's on their web site!! That's where the lies were introduced to my friend Jason.

More to come.....


AceOneBandit said...

hey man, i need more info on Victor wynn Johnson. whats your email and after you obtain this comment post your email and delete this comment i wanna have some privite talk thank you for your time

courtneycollins112 said...
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onedimpledcheek said...

Do you have info? Courtney if you could message me in private , that would be amazing. If you don't mind I'd like to know how he lied to you, what he told you and where I can find him.

onedimpledcheek said...
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onedimpledcheek said...

This is the VWJ with a Mac Apple and a David's Star tattooed on his wrist/s? Red hair. Jewish. From NYC? Or so he says.

Adam Hays said...

Yep that's him except He's not from NYC and chances are that everything you think you know about him is completely false.

courtneycollins112 said...
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courtneycollins112 said...
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courtneycollins112 said...

you dont need to keep saying shit its the past move on.. its kind of high schoolish. sorry

N. said...
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N. said...
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Boston Californian said...
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Boston Californian said...
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Boston Californian said...

I'm person #572 that has been conned by Victor Johnson. He was last seen in Boston on November 2, 2011. We met while working at a telemarketing firm together. We spent all of our time together for a month, he basically moved in with me. He was extremely affectionate and expressed great love for me, talked all the time about how he wanted honesty and trust. Then I gave him $200 to supposedly go down to Atlantic City to cash in $500K in stocks and I never heard back from him. I don't expect to ever hear back from him.

I contacted his friend — who I learned he met in a shelter for homeless youth in Atlantic City — who told me that he did this 2 times before to his baby's mother, Courtney. They had 2 kids. He got her pregnant, stole money from her as well as her car, and disappeared.

I had a funny feeling Victor Johnson wasn't even his real name. I asked what his middle name was and he said he didn't have one, probably to prevent me from Googling him and finding this page. I have no idea how old he is or where he's from (he says Wichita, then lived in Atlantic City for a year with a girl). Next we'll find out that he murdered someone.

Lesson learned: sometimes those who talk about honesty the most are the ones who are really con men. And, a lesson to the ladies: GOOGLE YOUR BOYFRIEND! Now that I know for sure that he is a con, I am not sad or devastated and can move on. Most of all I feel stupid. He is extremely convincing. I consider myself to be a very intuitive person, and more than that, a girl who can spot a shady guy from a million miles away. This one just slipped right under my radar.

And yes, he used the same Avivo Pizzeria website on me too. What a scumbag. This is his current Facebook page, supposedly his second:


Spread the word. Hopefully he kills himself and does the world a favor. Thank you so much for this blog! You saved me years of heartache over a guy who shouldn't have even been in my life in the first place.

ALSO, if I could have your email I'd like to talk more with you privately. Just post and delete the comment. Any further information you can provide about him would be appreciated.

courtneycollins112 said...

he does not know how to tell the truth. he lies and cons people and is good at it. He likes to get girls pregnant and just leave them and con or lie to them in a way or steal from them, he is beyond help and is sick in the head he does not know remorce and all he cares about is himself. he is an ass and a deadbeat.

Boston Californian said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Didn't realize this place existed, I've known victor most of my life. All of what you say is true. His real name IS actually Victor Johnson. He grew up in Norwich, Kansas. We used to hang out on the playground as kids, blah blah. Anyway, before he graduated he moved to Goddard, KS and that's when he started his "collecting". He jacked tons of stuff from his school. Projectors, computers, calculators, books, etc. At some point the police raided the home (he claimed it was his grandma's house (maybe, maybe not - although someone WAS living there with him)) I've visited his family there in Goddard as well (he has an uncle - ex military). Anyway, as years passed, he eventually came back to norwich where his friends lived. He claimed he had been fired from Best Buy, and was claiming a lawsuit for wrongful termination, lost his home, etc. He later claimed he won $120,000 in the lawsuit, bought a car, computer, etc (says he spent all but $28k) .. One of the nicest families in Norwich took him in and let him live there for awhile. Mysteriously he had multiple vehicles (with no job). Credit cards, the nicest computers on the market, etc. Now comes the fun part. In the few months that he was living there, he had gotten in trouble with Apple's litigation department, committed several counts of fraud. When I stayed over, he snuck into my room (while I was sleeping), and stole a revolver from me. After filing a police report, scaring him shitless, he eventually returned it (blaming someone else of course and it magically reappeared.) Things in the home started coming up missing.

He had also tried renting an apartment in my friend's name and mysteriously had keys to several Wichita, KS apartments. Which we visited with him (he claimed they were his - not sure of that now).

He also claimed to have learned piano, and after going to a recording studio crafted a music CD (which I still have. And is all a BS lie.)

He claimed to have designed several hospital websites, and did a lot of graphic design for some stores in the area. Then again he also claimed he was raking in money too.

My friend, Andrew Thornbro, went digging through the room Victor had been staying in and found a mountain of goods. Including rolls of toilet paper, paper towels, a cheese grater (wtf?), tools & utensils, all of their birth certificates, their credit cards, social security cards, old tax returns, etc. They immediately kicked him out and he went to live somewhere else.

What you have to remember, I know victor extremely well. He is unbelievably intelligent. He DOES know his shit. He's fast and can lie on the fly with one of the greatest poker faces ever. Most of his lies don't even make sense, but he puts them out anyway.

In fact, one of the more odd lie set-ups came also when he was living with my friends. His girlfriend that would frequent. He claimed she was Jewish (lie), and that she was pregnant with twins (lie and lie). When the mother of the household (Mrs. Thornbro) asked her how the baby was coming along, she got confused and told her she wasn't pregnant. That's when the suspicions finally caught up.

If you see him, keep your wallets closed and steer clear. Everything, and I mean just about everything that comes out of his mouth is a falsehood. It's a shame cause if he was legit, he could do so much good and actually be a cool guy to be around. He's articulate and funny. Just a complete fucking loser asshole liar/thief.

If any of you have any questions about him, I can help you to the best of my ability. Just e-mail me at (I don't know where he is now. Last I saw him was about 2 years ago on Facebook.) Too bad I didn't find this blog sooner.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

He just took me for $4,000 - this is so horrible

Email be robertjidell [@] if anyone has any questions Last heard from him on July 8th 2015

Anonymous said...

Victor Johnson most recently masqueraded as a female blogger named Samantha Bielefeld.

After gathering a good following on Twitter, he set up a site at and started offering membership.

Don't give him your money, folks.

Unknown said...

Hey I'm his ex wife. I have two kids by him. Yeah he an ass but anyways I'm trying to get a hold of him some miracle way. Seemed to disappear after the whole samantha thing. My email. Please email me with any leads it's very important thnx

blogger609 said...

@ i know victor we used to work together. He said that he only has one kid a lil girl 3. smh.

Unknown said...

Victor has resurfaced on Reddit as u/victorwynne . He contacted me saying he was employed full time as a software developer in Boston, yet his post history indicates that he's collecting unemployment from New Jersey. I reported him to Reddit as being a con man. I don't know how long his account will remain up.